Asger Jorn traveled to Paris in 1936 to study art. Among the biggest sources of inspiration was the internationally acclaimed artist Joan Miró. Although Jorn quickly found his own path in art, many parallels arose in the work of the two artists throughout his life. Including e.g. the experimental exploration of the possibilities of painting.
The exhibition conveys the sparkling encounter between two of the world art’s giants: the introverted, dreamy skeptic Joan Miró and the outgoing and social Asger Jorn. Where Miró cultivated a form of cosmic order, Jorn thrived around chaos.
The exhibition is realized on the occasion of Silkeborg’s 175th anniversary.
Silkeborg Kommune
Aage og Johann Louis-Hansens Fond
Knud Højgaards Fond
15. Juni Fonden
Joan Miró
Personnages oiseaux III, 1973
Asger Jorn
Truende Jernbanesignaler på vej til Versailles, 1939
Joan Miró
Deux personnages hantés par un oiseau, 1976
Joan Miró & Joseph Royo
Firbenet med de gyldne fjer (udsnit), 1989-91