Museum Jorn often cooperate with museums worldwide regarding work loans for various exhibition projects.
We have a set of demands regarding loan cases, but serious exhibition concepts and a framework which meets international museum standards will come into consideration.
In order to borrow works from Museum Jorn’s collections, borrower must be aware of the following requirements.
Regarding works by Asger Jorn, Museum Jorn is the legal rights holder. Permisson for reproduction can be obtained through the copyrights agency Copydan Billedkunst.
All expenses connected to the loan, e.g. transport, all-risk insurance, in/out check by conservators and expenses connected with the framing and preparation of the artworks, is held by borrower.
Museum Jorn’s terms and demands regarding the exhibition, packeging etc. in specific loan case must be met by borrower at all times.
In case the borrower fails to meet the regulations stated in the loan agreement, Museum Jorn can abort the loan case and call back the loan at all times.
The transport must be carried out by a professional art transport company with experience in art handling, security precautions and freight procedures.
Museum Jorn can request a courier for the loan case to survey the check-in and –out of the works. All expenses connected to the courier’s travel and accommodation is held by borrower.
Museum Jorn can ask that borrower fills out and returns a facility report prior to the approval of the loan.
Photographs of the specific loans for catalogues and other exhibition purposes can be ordered through Museum Jorn. Prize: 800 DKK (for private use) and 500 DKK (for museums). Borrower holds the responsibility for administering copyrights and reproduction rights according to existing law.
Out of consideration for loan meetings, approval procedures, conservator checks, export papers and administration, Museum Jorn has the following deadlines for recieving loan applications:
National loans: 3 months
International loans: 6 months
Information concerning loan procedures and loan applications can be sent to:
Museum Jorn, Silkeborg
Att.: Curator Lucas Haberkorn
Gudenåvej 7-9
DK-8600 Silkeborg
Phone: + 45 8682 5388